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What is major fit?

If you enter the majors you are interested in, or take Majors Matcher, part of your college match will be a "major fit".

There are three components to major fit.

1. How much of a favorite that major if for you (indicated by how many stars you've given the major.)

2. Your personality match to that major (if you have taken Majors Matcher).

3. How well that school ranks for that particular major.

Our "major fit" score will combine all of the majors you have saved to come up with your best score.

If you are getting a low major fit or score it could be because:

  • The school ranks low for that major or the major does not have a ranking
  • Your personality is not a good match for that major 
  • You have included a major that is not a good fit for you and it is dragging down your school.

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